Saturday, March 18, 2006

My Sin

I don't know anything about you except the fact that you've been ripped off...

I have seen you standing alone and ignored in the midst of Christians, while they should've lovingly welcomed and accepted you.

I acknowledge that the church has failed in many ways and that you've suffered from it.

I have heard others judging you for your faults while believing their own sins are worthy of forgiveness.

I have witnessed the scorn, the distance, hurt, abuse, legalism and silence of churches worldwide.

I have attended churches and camps where you have been pursued as a statistic for a religion instead of a soul valued by God.

I'm guilty of thoughtlessly saying many carnal, self-centered, arrogant and prideful things that affected you in ways I was not aware of.

I'm guilty of neglecting my spiritual responsibility and misrepresenting the true loving character of God.

I don't want you to sign off the possibility of discovering the only One who can give you a connection deeper than love.

I'm desperate for you to taste the flavor of a relationship with a forgiving God, and not a rule-guided religion.

I am not promoting failure or sin, but believe that grace and restoration is found in repentence.

I would like to think that, as I am changed, the world is changed.

I feel that you have been horribly mislead and deceived because of my own
inconsistencies as one who professes to be a Christian.

And for all these things,
on behalf of myself,
as well as those before
and after me,

I apologize.

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