Saturday, December 10, 2011

Another Year Gone By....

I can't believe another year has gone by so quickly!! And I had every intention of keeping up a blog during 2011... oh brother.....

This last year has literally flown by... After buying and moving into our new condo, we soon got a puppy whom we call Trip or Monkey, or Pumpkin, or Trippity, or Sweetie. :) He has grown into an adorable, curious, and spunky little guy who takes up all my extra time because he is so CUTE!! He has brought so much sunshine into my life... I will never live without a dog by my side again!

I have also been spending lots of time with my sister Hayley. I think we are about the closest we have ever been since Mom died. Getting through this year was easier just because I had someone whom I could text or call when I was missing mom and know that I would be truly understood, or to have her say she was having a bad day too, somehow made it easier. We are trying our darndest to get Baby Tay Tay on our little bandwagon.

In other news Tim and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary this year!! We are working through a book called "Love Dare" and I feel we are a thousand feet forward from where we were last year, and are having more fun being married everyday. It is definately an adventure. I can't wait to see where we are at 10 years from now!! :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Movie Review: Breaking Dawn

So Hayley and I convinced Baby Tay Tay to come along with us for a girls movie night to watch Breaking Dawn. After a co-worker had told me that the movie theater was full half an hour before showtime (on a Friday) I was emphatic that we get to the theater early, even though Taylor said, "Brooke no one goes to see a movie on a Monday night... besides us!" She was right. We had lots of time to kill and started having fun giving each other "new names" like changing Taylor to Rolyat or Lortay. I cracked up until I cried when we came up with Hayley's "Yelyah".

I admit I was pretty skeptical at first; I mean, how were they going to make a movie about Bella being pregnant? Wouldn't it be incredibly boring and um... awkward?

I found this movie interesting and disturbing. Compared to her acting in the first two, I thought Kristen Stewart does an incredible job in this film! There wasn't a moment of awkwardness between her and Robert Pattinson. I can't wait see what she's like as a Vampire-ess!! The movie has plenty of comedy in it and I loved how they portrayed Jacob's "imprinting".

Yet, it wasn't long before my sisters and I were squirming in our seats. I felt all color drain from my face the moment Bella's back and knees broke and was nauseous from that moment on. I noticed Taylor break into a sweat and she closed her eyes but that made it worse because she could only hear the sound effects and the rest was her imagination!! She said she wanted to get up and go to the washroom, but didn't think she would make it. She also confessed to opening her eyes for the Jacob parts. I think I know which team she's on. ;)

Anyways, apparently we aren't cut out for the intense theatrics in this movie. We thought parents who brought their young children to see the movie would be horrified of the intense birthing scene... its pretty gruesome. That being said, when I recounted my experience to others they were surprised and said, "That's funny. It didn't bother me at all!"

Alas, we have to wait one more year until final movie comes out!! I would lie if I said I wasn't curious to see it... or excited.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

New Year, New Condo, New Plans

It's just the beginning of a new year and already so much has happened!! I guess the biggest news is that Tim and I put our condo up for the sale at the beginning of January and we received an offer the first day that it was on the market. (We prayed that God would give us a quick reply, to confirm our decision to move into a larger condo, and well, we got our answer!)

I'm already feeling nostalgic about leaving our first condo. I love being in the city, and close to my sister who lives a 5 min drive away. Being able to walk across to the pharmacy whenever I need to, and driving along the river on my way to and from work. At the same time I can look forward to living in a larger space that we can grow into, and one where we can actually entertain others and invite family over. To having a bedroom that isn't overlooking a parking lot where car alarms are constantly going off, at all hours of the day. To a location closer to Tim's work (though farther from mine!).

We've been constantly asked why we didn't just wait to buy a house. Truly, had we been able to, we would've bought a larger, 2 bedroom condo had we been able to afford it when we first got married. Also, the resale value of the condo that we want to buy will be much greater than that of the one we just sold. And for the size/type of house that I would like to someday raise a family in, we need to wait until Tim get's his Journeyman's for us to be able to afford it (3-7 years away), and we both know that we'd go crazy if we bought a house that needed lots of renovations as that is not exactly our forte. :)

So, in all honesty, we truly feel that this is the best decision for us at this moment. And with as scary and intimidating as this all is, I feel that with the quick sale of our condo, God is confirming us in our choice to move onto someplace else. We just need to wait to see what He has in store!

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