Sunday, January 09, 2011

New Year, New Condo, New Plans

It's just the beginning of a new year and already so much has happened!! I guess the biggest news is that Tim and I put our condo up for the sale at the beginning of January and we received an offer the first day that it was on the market. (We prayed that God would give us a quick reply, to confirm our decision to move into a larger condo, and well, we got our answer!)

I'm already feeling nostalgic about leaving our first condo. I love being in the city, and close to my sister who lives a 5 min drive away. Being able to walk across to the pharmacy whenever I need to, and driving along the river on my way to and from work. At the same time I can look forward to living in a larger space that we can grow into, and one where we can actually entertain others and invite family over. To having a bedroom that isn't overlooking a parking lot where car alarms are constantly going off, at all hours of the day. To a location closer to Tim's work (though farther from mine!).

We've been constantly asked why we didn't just wait to buy a house. Truly, had we been able to, we would've bought a larger, 2 bedroom condo had we been able to afford it when we first got married. Also, the resale value of the condo that we want to buy will be much greater than that of the one we just sold. And for the size/type of house that I would like to someday raise a family in, we need to wait until Tim get's his Journeyman's for us to be able to afford it (3-7 years away), and we both know that we'd go crazy if we bought a house that needed lots of renovations as that is not exactly our forte. :)

So, in all honesty, we truly feel that this is the best decision for us at this moment. And with as scary and intimidating as this all is, I feel that with the quick sale of our condo, God is confirming us in our choice to move onto someplace else. We just need to wait to see what He has in store!

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