Saturday, December 10, 2011

Another Year Gone By....

I can't believe another year has gone by so quickly!! And I had every intention of keeping up a blog during 2011... oh brother.....

This last year has literally flown by... After buying and moving into our new condo, we soon got a puppy whom we call Trip or Monkey, or Pumpkin, or Trippity, or Sweetie. :) He has grown into an adorable, curious, and spunky little guy who takes up all my extra time because he is so CUTE!! He has brought so much sunshine into my life... I will never live without a dog by my side again!

I have also been spending lots of time with my sister Hayley. I think we are about the closest we have ever been since Mom died. Getting through this year was easier just because I had someone whom I could text or call when I was missing mom and know that I would be truly understood, or to have her say she was having a bad day too, somehow made it easier. We are trying our darndest to get Baby Tay Tay on our little bandwagon.

In other news Tim and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary this year!! We are working through a book called "Love Dare" and I feel we are a thousand feet forward from where we were last year, and are having more fun being married everyday. It is definately an adventure. I can't wait to see where we are at 10 years from now!! :)


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