Monday, January 22, 2007

Ever wake up and wonder where the past year went?

This past year has been filled with many challenges and opportunities. I spent half of the year at Youth With A Mission’s discipleship training school in Hawaii and as a result, was led to share Jesus with the poor in small-town India. Then I was excited to return to Philadelphia to minister to inner-city kids with my church’s youth group. After that, I was off to Ranger Lake Bible Camp where I worked as Head Lifeguard for the summer.

Currently, I’m working with LeaderImpact Group, a division of Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC). This feels like a gift from God. A good friend arranged an interview with CCC, and I have been an administrative assistant here for three months! God is good!

The mission of LeaderImpact Group is to provide Christian marketplace leaders with the confidence and resources to reach other leaders in their community with the message of Jesus. When I started work, I was challenged with an amazing opportunity to go on an International project and immediately felt God calling me to go. On March 1-11, fifty people from across Canada will head to Panama City for 10 days of training and ministry. The group will be divided into different ‘teams’; my group will minister to the ‘Young Guns’, that is, the future leaders of Panama, university students. We will do one-on-one meetings, Dinner for Friends, and outdoor presentations of the “Jesus Film.”

After much prayer I am positive that God provided this opportunity for me to serve Him. My directors and my parents are also greatly encouraging me to be part of this trip. I'm so excited to receive training on how to start spiritual conversations, lead someone to Christ and follow-up with a new believer!!

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