Sunday, January 14, 2007

You never know what you're gonna get...

Life is really taking me on a roller coaster... & I mean this in all the best senses...
While I was in India, God supplied me with a summer lifeguard job and so after camp I was open to His leading as far as employment went and was, yeah, ..waiting. I applied to many offices and started researching receptionist-training courses as I had been told I would love that kind of job.

One day a friends father phoned me completely out of the blue. He asked me what my plans for the future were. I had no job - so, what plans?! He explained that the office next door to where he was working was seeking an administrative assistant and he was recommending me for the job! "So, think about it." He says. Then he phoned me back 5 mins later, and he had set me up with an interview that very afternoon. Before I know it, I'm filling in application forms and.. I started training as an administrative assistant for Campus Crusade for Christ the very next Monday!

I'm on probation for one month and seriously, my job description makes me swallow! Everything from communications to finances, to international and office operations... yikes!! God totally provided this job for me and it's got me wondering why... Still, I love how He never lets us have a dull moment when we are trusting Him. SO awesome! So yeah, I'm on a rollar-coaster ride with God... and lovin' every moment of it!!

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