Monday, May 07, 2007

I'm In A Hurry (And Don't Know Why)

"I'm in a hurry to get things done. Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun. All I really gotta do is live and die, But I'm in a hurry and don't know why. "

Hmmm, I've spent my day off doing nothing but contemplating how soon I should quit my job... with the lyrics of this song by Alabama stuck in my head ALL day. Hearing this song has made me feel nothing but Anxious. Anxious to move. Anxious for change. Anxious to know what's next!!

Life has slowed down for me these past few weeks. I needed an "inbetween" job for this month before I go to camp, so I applied at GC Teleservices and got hired on the spot. Training honestly wasn't that bad - I had an awesome group of co-workers and we had a hoot together... but now, two weeks later, everything has become so monotonous that I just don't know what to do. My job consists of contacting Americans regarding their credit card debt... so basically the same script for 8 hours - starting at 6 a.m. I'm not sure about you, but I don't enjoy being yelled at first thing in the morning or being bored for hours on end. One guy that I work with said to me, "This isn't a job - this is a time waster!" Also, I've realized that when I get bored I get the munchies so I've had to make a mental note to NOT walk through the cafeteria on my breaks!!

So basically I just sit there and think, wow, there's so much more to life than this! I try to see the spiritual in my job but there just is none - there's absolutely no opportunities for meaningful conversations. The thought of camp being about 3 weeks away is absolute torture... not to mention the possibility of returning to India soon after that!! (more on that subject later!) As I entertain thoughts of how soon I should quit, I start to contemplate what His plans are... and it frustrates me because I don't know. Sometimes I just want to know!! It's weird to feel sooo stuck - knowing how "alive" I've felt before. Bah!! I'm in a hurry to get on LIVING!!!


Jobina said...

Au contraire Cousin, while you are thinking of what to do next, your spiritual life can be very much a part of your job! How about talking to co-workers during breaks and helping them to notice that you are different? You can pray for the people you call. You can work "as unto the Lord" thanking God that He provided a job for you and giving back to Him from what you get there. God is in every situation even when you have to look very hard to see Him. I'm sure you will find even more ways than this to Walk with God. I've worked many a meanial job in my life and in some I really struggled to see God at all. Even motherhood! Remember that God lives in you, so when you go to work, He's there too. Have fun looking at your options! The future is exciting and FULL of possibilities, isn't it?!

Anonymous said...

...and sometimes, LOTS of times, actually, God does not necessarily require us to say anything but rather just BE an extension of Him wherever you are. No pressure!!
Auntie Elayne


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